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the Man in the moon
This "Man in the Moon" was designed by Amber Kennedy. Amber created the craters with handmade prosthetics and airbrushed the rest of the makeup. Short story written by Amber. Modelled by Jacek

Once upon a time an evil astronaut decided to go into space. His plan was to murder everyone on the ship before they could make it to the moon! He’s held a grudge against everything space related ever since he was a little kid and made a wish on a shooting star. He’s now 25 years old, and frozen in space! The other astronauts learned what he was doing and decided to eject him from the ship. He ripped his helmet off and unzipped his silver space suit, he wanted them to see he had no fear. Craters began to grow from his bald head (no one in his family could grow hair anywhere) and his body started to resemble the night sky. He turned to beautiful tones of purple, red, pink, and blue. No one truly knew what would happen when he removed his helmet, but no one expected this. He became space itself and formed his own galaxies.
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